133 private links
This month over 1700 engineers, entrepreneurs, and business leaders from around the world flew to Copenhagen, Denmark to attend KotlinConf, a two day conference run by JetBrains, the company behind the Kotlin programming language and Intellij. Attendees came to learn more about the language that has been adopted now by over 2.2 million users and powers 60% of the top 1000 apps in the Google Play Store.
Integrar que un usuario envíe un tweet
One of the best ways to learn about Android is to checkout Android code in the wild. The following is good Android sample code to review:
CodePath Code Samples
Beginner Android Samples
Custom ArrayAdapter Demo
Book Library Search Demo
ImageLoading and SQLite Demo
Rotten Tomatoes Demo
Styled ActionBar Demo
Drawables and Styles Demo
Animations and Gestures Demo
Custom Views Demo
Services and Notifications Demo
Unit and Integration Testing Demo
Audio and Video Demo
Menus, Popups, and Fragments Demo
Contacts Loader Demo
Google Maps Demo
Master-Detail Demo
Crouton Alert Demo
Android Snake Game
Android Rest Client Multi-Service Demo
External Code Samples
Tons of examples from commonsguy
Novoda Android samples
HMKCode Android
Google Samples
Easyweather - Retrofit + Dagger 2 + RxJava
Open-Source Apps
Tivi - Great open-source Kotlin + RxJava 2 + Architecture Sample
FOSSDroid - Open-source android apps repository
Github Android App
Simple Android App
Astrid Android's #1 Task Management Application
MobileOrg for the Android platform
Guag.es App
Quora on Best Open Android Apps
Quran android app
Vt - VK video app
DroidFeed - News App for Android Developers
Varias apps libres de Android
Adaptadores con banners
In this post we are going to learn how to optimize a Google Play Store listing of any Android app in order to increase visibility and volume of organic downloads from the store.
Concepto de layout para login
Librería para "tutoriales" de introdiccion
¿«Guerra civil» en Google?
Integración y compilacion para Android con pipeline de Gitlab
Desarrollo juegos android
Página con templates gratuítas para Android
Catalog of free Android theme templates