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Super Healthy Food Recipes is a free app and it always will be, for the pleasure of taste buds that enjoy the smoothness of sweet flavors and the power to combine them with the contrast of strong, even bitter, flavors of brutally nutritious and energetic dishes, or superfluous but spectacular desserts. Show off the nutrients in your body and the best flavors that will delight your taste buds as well asthose of your guests.
❤ Vegetarian ice cream
❤ Funnel cakes
❤ Chocolates
❤ Smoothies
❤ Even nice frozen horchata
❤ Extreme diets of 200 to 600 calories, only for tight cases
❤ Diets to facilitate having the brain overflowing with dopamine, the neurotransmitter for artists, based on natural foods
❤ Healthy hamburgers, nowhere tastier than at home
❤ Low-sugar diets
❤ Olive and fruit appetizers
❤ Recipes of lattes and tasty coffee, for the very coffee-drinking ones
We aren't forgetting recipes for light and energetic meals:
❤ Broccoli salads, an ingredient that is justifiably fashionable
❤ Cabbage salad
❤ Greek Salad
❤ Vegan breakfasts
❤ Breakfast meals
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I was recently tasked to research how to enable customers running an app in kiosk mode to still be able to leverage other secondary apps on their devices. The goal was not to integrate these secondary apps with the primary app via an SDK or inter-process communication, but rather just to simply be able to launch these secondary apps from the primary app.
Envía notificacion Push desde Android Studio
Hacer disponible el modo oscuro de Android en Webviews
Test en Android fuera del emulador o un dispositivo
¿Cuándo y cómo usar dialogos para pedir review?
Generally, there are particular patterns that you see in code, and you know that in certain scenarios — generally after triggering process death / low memory condition — that app will crash or fail to work in horrible ways.
Many Android developers ask “what do I need to know to become good Android developer?”. Sometimes they phrase it a bit differently, but, either way, it boils down to the fact that developers look for a list of useful skills to learn.
In my opinion, this question is totally legitimate. Android development is big and dynamic ecosystem, and you can easily spend weeks learning about some specific tool or concept, only to discover that it’s either not that important, or shouldn’t be used at all. Therefore, in this post, I’ll share my list of skills that Android developers should have in a hope that it’ll help you to concentrate your efforts on the important stuff.
Evidently, the more experience you have as an Android developer, the more you’d be expected to know. However, some concepts and ideas are too advanced and require too much preliminary knowledge to grasp when you don’t have much experience. Therefore, I can’t just list all the skills I’d expect expert Android developers to know. So, instead, I’ll organize my recommendations into groups, according to your current experience level. However, keep in mind that it’s not an exact science and treat the below experience levels just as general ballpark figures.
Whilst programming environments in general are constantly evolving, Android is undoubtedly one of the fastest changing year on year (or even month on month!) Read more about the top 5 techniques to watch out for in the coming months.