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Organizations and marketers are focusing on developing mobile apps that enable users to choose products and discover options for buying their best choice, from the comfort of their homes. The strategy involves development of strong design sense as well as precise wire-framing, along with precise tools for bringing out the best in terms of user experience.
Whilst programming environments in general are constantly evolving, Android is undoubtedly one of the fastest changing year on year (or even month on month!) Read more about the top 5 techniques to watch out for in the coming months.
This month over 1700 engineers, entrepreneurs, and business leaders from around the world flew to Copenhagen, Denmark to attend KotlinConf, a two day conference run by JetBrains, the company behind the Kotlin programming language and Intellij. Attendees came to learn more about the language that has been adopted now by over 2.2 million users and powers 60% of the top 1000 apps in the Google Play Store.
Consider some recent stats:
As of August 2019, mobile devices accounted for almost 52% of web page views globally
More than half of all shopping via internet traffic comes from a mobile device
Combined user spending in the App Store and Google Play is projected to reach 104 billion U.S. dollars in 2020, up 44% from 72 billion in 2018
Mobile apps make up 57% of all digital media usage
Smartphone apps alone account for more than half of digital media time spent
Gen Z engages with their most-used apps 30% more often than the rest of the population