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Modularización en Proyectos Gradle con Kotlin: Una Guía Completa
Principios SOLID explicados con ejemplos de Kotlin.
🚀🧨📝 Series of Tutorials to learn about Jetpack Compose with subjects Material Widgets, Layout, SubcomposeLayout, custom layouts, State, custom rememberable, recomposition, LaunchedEffect, side-effects, Gesture, Animation, Navigation, Canvas, UIs like whatsapp and others. - SmartToolFactory/Jetpack-Compose-Tutorials
This post is not meant to teach you everything about Compose but rather it’ll be more like a roadmap that you can use to learn Compose...
Swift se copia de Dart y compacta mejor la sintaxis con macros, Kotlin se copia de Dart y la compacta aún mejor con macros. Dart, desde su versión 3.5, se copia las macros de Swift y Compose: así puntúa el doble y gana la partida.
SKIE - Swift Kotlin Interface Enhancer
SKIE is a tool for Kotlin Multiplatform development that enhances the Swift API published from Kotlin.
Manuel Vivo aims to summarise the Android Developer guidance on the UI layer, explore all the entities involved in it, understand the role each part plays, and discuss best practices.
Juan Mengual describes one of the not-so-obvious risks that you need to understand when using Flows.
Interactive diagrams for Kotlin Flow operators
Draggable marbles on Kotlin Flow to see how operator works
In this blog post, we'll explore RenderEffect by creating some cool examples with a rendering effect.
Wiki sobre programación traducido automáticamente. El original está en Coreano. Buena calidad con matices distintos a los anglo
WorkManager is a special Android component that can execute long-running tasks even when the host Android application is in the background. With WorkManager you can use different strategies to ensure successful task completion, specify various execution constraints (e.g. execute only when connected to Wi-Fi), create tasks chains and more.
In this article, I’ll describe the high-level rationale behind WorkManager and then show you how to integrate this useful component into Android application.
Android 12 introduces Glance framework to create app widgets using jetpack-compose (declarative style) and much more additional updates to the widget framework itself.
Space Dawn is a demo app built to demonstrate the use of Mutli-Module Clean MVVM Architecture with Jetpack Compose by following Material-3 guidelines along with other MAD libraries. The app lets a user Save reminders/alarms for the upcoming Rocket Launches From around the world.
In this article, you’ll learn how the Lifecycle.repeatOnLifecycle, and Flow.flowWithLifecycle APIs protect you from wasting resources and why they’re a good default to use for flow collection in the UI layer.
LiveData was something we needed back in 2017. The observer pattern made our lives easier, but options such as RxJava were too complex for beginners at the time. The Architecture Components team created LiveData: a very opinionated observable data holder class, designed for Android. It was kept simple to make it easy to get started and the recommendation was to use RxJava for more complex reactive streams cases, taking advantage of the integration between the two.
The Command pattern wraps the request into a specific object that has all the information necessary to perform its task. You can think of it as the next stage of refactoring, where at first we extract the code to a separate method, and then to a separate object, taking the arguments needed to execute the request in the constructor.
Este blog ha sido creado con una finalidad muy simple, aprender. Todos podemos aprender de todos, compartir puntos de vista y mejorar nuestro código. Y una estupenda forma de aprender, es enseñar.