133 private links
Although there are many web hosting platforms available here we will navigate through the most easy one Github Pages.
Github is an amazing platform. It is providing us a way to share our code as well as a way to publish our web applications using its feature known as Github Pages.
Let’s go step by step on how to publish a flutter web project on Github.
adapter - generic adapters for RecyclerView or ViewPager with data binding support
arch - base classes for MVVM architecture (based on Architecture Components)
graphics - utilities for working with bitmaps and drawables
media - utilities for working with images, sounds and videos
rest - helper classes for managing REST API calls
rx - helper classes for managing RxJava observables and subscriptions
utility - bunch of miscellaneous utilities
view - collection of custom views and layouts
One of the best ways to learn about Android is to checkout Android code in the wild. The following is good Android sample code to review:
CodePath Code Samples
Beginner Android Samples
Custom ArrayAdapter Demo
Book Library Search Demo
ImageLoading and SQLite Demo
Rotten Tomatoes Demo
Styled ActionBar Demo
Drawables and Styles Demo
Animations and Gestures Demo
Custom Views Demo
Services and Notifications Demo
Unit and Integration Testing Demo
Audio and Video Demo
Menus, Popups, and Fragments Demo
Contacts Loader Demo
Google Maps Demo
Master-Detail Demo
Crouton Alert Demo
Android Snake Game
Android Rest Client Multi-Service Demo
External Code Samples
Tons of examples from commonsguy
Novoda Android samples
HMKCode Android
Google Samples
Easyweather - Retrofit + Dagger 2 + RxJava
Open-Source Apps
Tivi - Great open-source Kotlin + RxJava 2 + Architecture Sample
FOSSDroid - Open-source android apps repository
Github Android App
Simple Android App
Astrid Android's #1 Task Management Application
MobileOrg for the Android platform
Guag.es App
Quora on Best Open Android Apps
Quran android app
Vt - VK video app
DroidFeed - News App for Android Developers