133 private links
The main purpose of keys are to maintain a widget’s state even if it’s moved or duplicated inside the widget tree.
It’s a core topic to understand as a Flutter developer because there are several situations in which keys are necessary to maintain the robustness of the application.
Not using keys at all can lead to undesired behavior that shows subtly during the usage of your apps. In order to prevent these unwanted UX glitches, it’s good to know the meaning of keys.
To sum it up, in Flutter, a key is a unique identifier for a widget. It aids the framework in tracking widgets in the widget tree.
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Swift se copia de Dart y compacta mejor la sintaxis con macros, Kotlin se copia de Dart y la compacta aún mejor con macros. Dart, desde su versión 3.5, se copia las macros de Swift y Compose: así puntúa el doble y gana la partida.
Metaprogramming refers to code that operates on other code as if it were data. It can take code in as parameters, reflect over it, inspect it, create it, modify it, and return it. Static metaprogramming means doing that work at compile-time, and typically modifying or adding to the program based on that work.
Today it is possible to do static metaprogramming completely outside of the language - using packages such as build_runner to generate code and using the analyzer apis for introspection. These separate tools however are not well integrated into the compilers or tools, and it adds a lot of complexity where this is done. It also tends to be slower than an integrated solution because it can't share any work with the compiler.
React hooks for Flutter. Hooks are a kind of object that manages a Widget life-cycles. They are used to increase code sharing between widgets and as a complete replacement for StatefulWidget.
THE Static Site Generator for Dart
El propósito de este documento es servir de guía a los equipos de desarrollo en el proceso de la construcción de software, estable, mantenible, robusto y escalable con Dart y Flutter.
Para tal fin se ha recopilado en este documento los lineamientos iniciales a tener en cuenta a la hora de encarar el desarrollo de un proyecto Flutter.
En esta, guia para desarrolladores Encontraras:
Dart Basico
Flutter Basico
Guía de Estilos
Buenas Prácticas
Git & Git Flow
El archivo README.md
El Archivo CHANGELOG.md
El Archivo WIDGETTREE.md
Material Stores (Google Play / Apple Store)
Enlaces Interesantes
A good plan for the app but also for specific features is the key to success. The good news is that we can choose our architecture every day even if the project is big and developed for many years already.