133 private links
This post is not meant to teach you everything about Compose but rather it’ll be more like a roadmap that you can use to learn Compose...
Configuración para que Firebase Analytics recolecte datos en Android
This section offers several ways to make a build faster. Additionally, you’ll find details about what leads to build performance degradation, and how you can avoid it.
A list of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) for Android – saving Freedom and Privacy.
Exact Alarm is essential when your app requires a time-sensitive task to execute. InExact alarm depends on system optimization and exact alarm guarantee that it will be triggered at a specific time.
From Official doc:
InExact :
When an app sets an inexact alarm, the system delivers the alarm at some point in the future.
The system invokes an exact alarm at a precise moment in the future.
WorkManager is a special Android component that can execute long-running tasks even when the host Android application is in the background. With WorkManager you can use different strategies to ensure successful task completion, specify various execution constraints (e.g. execute only when connected to Wi-Fi), create tasks chains and more.
In this article, I’ll describe the high-level rationale behind WorkManager and then show you how to integrate this useful component into Android application.
Android 12 introduces Glance framework to create app widgets using jetpack-compose (declarative style) and much more additional updates to the widget framework itself.
Space Dawn is a demo app built to demonstrate the use of Mutli-Module Clean MVVM Architecture with Jetpack Compose by following Material-3 guidelines along with other MAD libraries. The app lets a user Save reminders/alarms for the upcoming Rocket Launches From around the world.
The Command pattern wraps the request into a specific object that has all the information necessary to perform its task. You can think of it as the next stage of refactoring, where at first we extract the code to a separate method, and then to a separate object, taking the arguments needed to execute the request in the constructor.
Este blog ha sido creado con una finalidad muy simple, aprender. Todos podemos aprender de todos, compartir puntos de vista y mejorar nuestro código. Y una estupenda forma de aprender, es enseñar.
Editor y recortador de fondos por IA es una nueva aplicación de edición de fotos para Android, todo lo que vas a necesitar durante mucho tiempo para crear tus composiciones por puro entretenimiento. De modo que podrás fácilmente, por ejemplo, poner texto en fotos, donde podrás elegir entre muchas fuentes de tipos de letra, recortar imágenes y, lo más importante, recortar el fondo de la imágenes con ayuda de la inteligencia artificial (IA). Aunque es mucho más.
Here, we have compared Flutter vs Native Technologies on essential factors like performance, development cost & time, maintenance, app size, etc. Moreover, we have given scenarios when to choose a specific technology.
Respuesta sobre asegurar aplicaciones mobiles que usan APIs
Tuto para crear pdf's con imagenes y texto.
PlusPlugins is a set of Flutter plugins that is developed based on existing Flutter plugins with extra functionalities, platforms support, and better maintenance.
Battery Plus
connectivity Plus
Device Info Plus
Network Info Plus
Package Info Plus
Sensors Plus
Share Plus
Android Alarm Manager Plus
Android Intent Plus
This article is part of a new series I’m starting called “How does X work”. I’ll choose libraries and tools that Android Developers use on a daily basis and by reading their documentation and source code, provide an explanation of how the library does what it does.