133 private links
Diseño de navegación en los menús de un juego
Native Drag and Drop for Flutter
Native Drag and Drop functionality
Supports macOS, iOS, Android, Windows, Linux and Web (*)
Platform agnostic code for dragging and dropping common formats
Support for custom data formats
Multifinger drag on iOS (adding item to existing drag session, see video below)
Dragging and dropping virtual files (macOS, iOS and Windows)
Diseño de UX de notificaciones de móvil
Manuel Vivo aims to summarise the Android Developer guidance on the UI layer, explore all the entities involved in it, understand the role each part plays, and discuss best practices.
Sinasmaki creates a bottom navigation bar in a glassmorphic design style using the new Haze library by Chris Banes.
Mobile smartphones come with inherent constraints: small screen, short sessions, single window visible at one time, and variable connectivity. But some of their features also present unique opportunities. Mobile-design principles reflect these limitations and strengths.
Everything that makes your smartphone indispensable can be applied to a mobile app. You just have to recall the main reasons for our phone addiction. There are seven key reasons, each of which serves as a user magnet and an important indicator of an effective app.
The modernized mobile app development tools are compatible with both Android & iOS platforms. Here, in this article, top-notch design tools are discussed in detail.
Tutos como el glassmorfismo
This post is going to build upon that to see how we can adapt our apps to support dark themes.
Diseño de iconos animados
Menus con radio buttons
Tipografías gratuitas
Juegos de Iconos para Android
Hacer disponible el modo oscuro de Android en Webviews
Concepto de layout para login